Saturday, November 8, 2008

Think and grow rich with your top referral sources

When it comes to referral sources, keep two lists: a long list and a short list. If your firm produces a newsletter, hosts an e-seminar or engages in marketing of any sort, ask your marketing director to include your entire list of referral sources in the distribution. For the short list (the top 10-15 professionals who consistently provide you with business), make the contact more personal.

Call, email or meet with each member on your short list once per month. Your short list is your lifeline to new business, populated with people you care about, people who are vested in your success. If you do not have time to meet with your top 10-15, spend 20 minutes each month to determine how you can help them with introductions, advice or information, or simply call and ask how they are doing. Remember also to communicate with your valued advisors--good advice may be more important than securing a particular client. My Aussie friends describe those on their short list as their "True Blue." Be a True Blue to your referral sources and you will enjoy an abundant book of business--in all economic times.

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