Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Quick, Easy Way to Increase Referrals

Are you getting the number of referrals you want each month? By taking one action, you can increase referrals from your network.

Let's assume you have mastered the "elevator speech"--saying what it is you do in 10 seconds or less. Let's also assume you have a network populated with individuals who can provide opportunities. Believe me, those in your network want to help. But can you say without a doubt that each member of your network knows exactly how?

Is it possible that you are missing referrals because you have not clearly communicated? The one action you can and should take with each conversation: Ask for what you want. Sounds simple, but how often do you hear something like this from a professional:

“Can you do something for me? If you know of a tech firm that needs help with tax savings, can you introduce me with a telephone call and I will take it from there.”


"Can I ask for your help? If you suspect that a service firm could use some help with growth, please introduce me via email and I will take it from there."

Fill in your own circumstances when you make a request. You are not asking the professional to sell for you. You are asking, instead, for the professional to stop and think about clients and others who may benefit from knowing you--and to make that all-important introduction.

Here's how to shape your request:

1) Ask for help. This will prompt the professional to focus.
2) Ask the professional to think about clients and others in a specific industry niche. Are you targeting service firms, tech firms, hedge funds?
3) Ask the professional to consider those who can benefit from your specific value proposition. What is the most important outcome from the potential client's point of view?
4) Inform the professional as to the best way to make the introduction. Do you want to be introduced by email, with a phone call, at a meeting?
5) Make it clear that the professional need only make an introduction and let you take it from there.

Most importantly, invest in the success of those in your network. At each meeting, begin by asking how you can help that person--and follow through. A call to action--asking for what you want and helping others--will make a difference in the number of referrals you provide and receive. Are you missing out?

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