Sunday, April 5, 2009

Are You in the Right Communities?

Securing new business depends on your involvement in vibrant communities. But are you in the right communities?

A community is defined as a group of people who maintain relationships based on common interests, goals, locations or values. This can be a trade association, a business group, a civic organization, a nonprofit, a special interest group . . . the list is endless. When you contribute to the success of a community, it is natural that members will turn to you for help in their time of need.

To evaluate whether a community is right for you, consider these five questions:
  1. Does this community include clients of our firm?
  2. Are there exciting prospective clients?
  3. Am I interacting with high-quality referral sources?
  4. Will this group help us make better decisions, open doors, advance our firm's interests, help us innovate--stretch our thinking?
  5. Am I having fun and making a difference in the lives of others?

Involvement makes people aware of your business, leads to referrals and gives you an edge when proposing against competitors who have not invested in the community. Ultimately, the community you want is rich with opportunities to make friends, help others and have fun. Is this happening for you? If not, it's time to get out and explore.

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