Friday, June 19, 2009

3 Ways to Shake Out Referrals This Summer

Do you hesitate to refer professional service providers when you have not seen them in action? You are not alone--and you could be missing out on referrals for the same reason. You can demonstrate your value to professionals beyond the usual collaboration on shared clients. Follow these three tips to shake out referrals from those who are inclined but nervous:

Tip #1: Help off the meter. Give professional service providers a taste of the client experience by offering your consultation and services as a friend. You will enjoy the deep satisfaction of helping a colleague; the service provider will develop an understanding of your value and send prospects your way.

Tip #2: Provide leadership in professional associations. You know the drill: serve on committees, get involved in leadership and contribute to the profession. The friends you make along the way will see you in action and send business your way.

Tip #3: Share knowledge. In my experience, speaking engagements are an effective method for establishing credibility with referral sources and potential clients (not to mention the travel, golf and wine). If you're shy, publish (you can always hire a writer to share your advice). One way or another, adopt a learning and knowledge-sharing approach. Not only is it your responsibility as a professional to share knowledge--it is also a wonderful way to attract business, see the world, and meet new professionals and prospects.

These tips require personal initiative. Did you know that, in general, 25% of new business opportunities lay dormant because professional service providers do not actively take on new initiatives? This is summer--you have time--what are you waiting for?

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